The Event Leader role will allow you to regularly run Activities and Missions. You can work with Event Managers on new ideas or choose from a wide selection of approved events. Event Leaders are also able to set up spontaneously play sessions for members or assist Event Managers in larger Operations.
- Be a Full Member of GII
- Have your Guilded account liked (see ‘Edit Profile’)
- Understand the Event Types (Activites, Missions, Operations, Casual Play)
- Request the ‘Event Leader’ role on our website (below)
- Assist in an event by an Event Manager or Event Leader (we will contact you)
- Run a low-stakes event with an Event Manager present
- Review and be ready to work with Staff to enforce GII Rules of Conduct, Rules of Engagement & Communication Guidelines
- Monitor #gii-event-leadership forum for new events started by GII Staff and Event Managers
- Work with Event Managers on new ideas for Activities and Missions
- Keep track with past events from the #gii-event-center forum, change event details to freshen things up and make the event your own